SEED: Investigating how childcare and early education can help to give children the best start in life
Researcher(s): SEED
Status: Ongoing
SEED: helping the DfE understand the impact of early education
The Department for Education has commissioned the Study of Early Education and Development (SEED). It is updating the evidence from EPPSE (Effective Primary, Pre-School and Secondary Education) and is a major new longitudinal study following over 5,000 two-year-olds to the end of Key Stage 1 (when the children will be seven years old). It will find out how childcare and early education can help to give children the best start in life and what is important for high quality childcare provision.
The study is being carried out by NatCen Social Research, working with Frontier Economics, the University of Oxford and Action for Children, on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE).
We are seeking the help of childcare providers for various aspects of SEED. We really hope that you will be able to take part and do your bit to champion Early Years policy.