Bristol Early Years Research
Our aim is to promote opportunities for rich professional learning and innovation through reflective practice and school/setting-based research and enquiry. This is a platform for sharing inspiring Early Years practice within Bristol and beyond. We invite you to access leading edge research findings and work collaboratively to explore, investigate and contribute new ideas. This is your website…
Research Hubs
Research Hubs provide opportunities for practitioner reflection, creativity and innovation. Working collaboratively, practitioners explore an area of interest, guided by a research question and supported by a research mentor. Findings are documented to inform decisions about provision and how to improve learning experiences and outcomes for children and families.
Research Focus
Research is also categorised by whether it is based in an Early Years setting, or is a nationally available publication. Use the links below to read more.
Case Studies
We will be sharing a wide range of case studies of research happening in Bristol Early Years settings. From settings based research, through to PhD theses, we hope that you will find inspiration on these pages for your own research project.
“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Cabot Primary School
Supporting and improving Communication
and Language skills in the
Early Years Foundation Stage

We are building a bank of resources to support your early years research project. Links to suggested further reading in each of the key research hubs can be found below. Or contact us and let us know how we can make this website more relevant to you and your practice.
We'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch with any ideas or suggestions for the website.