Impact of socio-economic status on EYFS

Relationships between Socio Economic Status and the Development of Children in the EYFS: A Secondary Analysis of Data from the Growing up in Scotland and Effective Provision of Pre-School Education Reports. Researcher(s): Tim Clark Institution: Southville Community...

Lord, P., Southcott, C., and Sharp, C. Children’s Centre Services

Targetting children's centre services on the most needy families Researcher(s): Lord, P., Southcott, C., and Sharp, C. Institution: Status: Findings published Lord, P., Southcott, C., and Sharp, C. (2011). Targetting children’s centre services on the most needy...

NFER: Narrowing the Gap

Narrowing the gap in outcomes: Early Years (0-5). Slough: NFER. Researcher(s): Springate, I., Atkinson, M., Straw, S., Lamont, E. and Grayson, H. Institution/Organisation: NFER Status: Findings published Springate, I., Atkinson, M., Straw, S., Lamont, E. and Grayson,...